我叫多妙 I am Wonderful Dor Dor

我今年九歲,我是一個小三學生,「我唔得架嘞,我要睇精神科,我控制唔到自己,我痴線架,我要食藥!」老師、醫生、爸媽都說我患有專注力不足及過度活躍症,我學業成績差,媽媽說我吃了藥就可以專心讀書,坐定定在課室內聽老師話。只要我成績好,媽媽就會快樂。 後記:根據我的經驗,專注力不足及過度活躍症根本不存在。那麼,問題出在哪裡?我們的社會規範太多,在學校一定要坐定定,小朋友精力旺盛,但活動空間和遊戲時間嚴重不足,將有正常活動需要的孩子定義為「不正常」。這個所謂的「病」令小朋友無法認同自己,覺得自己沒有價值,其實只要環境改變,問題就不存在。 I am 9 years old. I am a primary 3 student.“I have to visit the psychiatrist and take medicine. I can’t control myself. I am insane. I am useless.” Teachers, doctors, and parents all said that I have Attention Deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). My academic results are bad. Mom said that I could sit quietly in the classroom, listen to the teachers, and focus on studying if I take medicine. Mom will be happy if I have excellent academic results. Reflections: According to my experience, ADHD doesn’t exist. Then, what is wrong with us? Our society has too many rules. Children have to sit quietly in the school while they are naturally energetic but space and time to play are incredibly insufficient. We label kids with natural needs as “abnormal.” This so-called “disease” leads to failure in self-recognition and denial of values. Problems will no longer exist when the environment changes.

