我叫多美 I am Beautiful Dor Dor

我是一個小三學生,「有一天媽媽送我去一個叫做學校的地方,媽媽說她千辛萬苦才為我爭取到入學機會。可是,在學校裡,我很吃力,老師說的我聽不明白,我說的老師也不明白,我永遠也達不到媽媽和老師的要求。這是我的錯嗎?未去這個地方之前,我一直很快樂,到底學校是什麼地方?」 反思:智障是先天的,他們的智力水平不可能透過任何訓練得到提升,父母必須接受這個事實,放下「幫他們提升能力」這個想法。我們要協助他們找到自己的專長,而不是迫使他們做到他們做不到的事情。父母可以讓孩子接觸不同的事物,重點放在他們「做得到」的事情上,重建自信更為重要。 I am a primary 3 student. "One day, mom sent me to a place called the school. Mom said she fought so hard for me to get the chance. However, I feel so difficult here. The teacher and I both don't understand each other. I can never reach the standard set by mom and teachers. Is this my fault? Before I was sent to this place, I was always happy. What is school?" Reflections: Intellectual disability is congenital. Children's mental level is impossible to be improved by any training. Parents have to accept the fact and let go of the thoughts to improve their intellectual ability. We have to assist them in looking for their strength instead of forcing them to do something they are not able to do. Parents should offer opportunities for children to explore. The focus should be on the children's ability and re-building confidence.

