我叫多謝 I am Grateful Dor Dor

我是一位小五學生,「因為先天的疾病,我由七歲開始,餘生都要在輪椅上渡過。媽媽說我的腳因為不能動彈變得很弱,她希望我能加倍鍛鍊手臂,所以她沒有給我買電動輪椅。香港的節奏很急速,有時別人會撞到我,好像我行得不夠快,我覺得這個世界容不下我。我想念自己能蹦蹦跳的日子,我要慢慢找到自己的生活節奏,我希望我可以被接納。」 I am a primary 5 student. "Due to congenital disease, I have to spend my whole life in a wheelchair since I was 7 years old. My mom says that my legs are weak due to immobility, and she hopes I could train my arm harder. This is why she doesn't buy me an electric wheelchair. Hong Kong is a fast-paced city, and sometimes people will push me. I feel like I am not fast enough, and I don't have a position in this world. I miss the day when I can jump. I have to look for my own pace gradually, and I wish I can be accepted.

