我叫小多多 My name is Mini Dor Dor


1. 學校能否有更多元的學習模式?例如影音、視頻?
2. 除了考試,評核的方式可以更多元嗎?
3. 大家可以幫助我發揮我的能夠或專長做的事,而不是強迫我跟隨大家不擅長的學習框架嗎?
I am a primary 3 student. “No matter how much time I spend on studying, there will not be any return. I am useless.” I am bad at recognising words. However, all homework, tests, and exams only focus on copying and dictation. I am worse than others in all aspects. Miss Dor Dor helps me in looking for my strength, and I realise that I like cooking a lot. In the graduation ceremony, I baked donuts for everybody. Although I have dyslexia, I still have a lot of ability.

